25 november 2022

The latest IRIS winner (of the year 2022) is the documentary "Belgium’s stolen children", submitted by VRT-Canvas, directed by Steven Crombez, produced by De Chinezen NV.



Winner TV Iris 2022: Belgium’s Stolen Children
Devestating cruelty of the past
Who am I, who are my father and mother and where do I come from? These are the essential questions in life. In an honest way, the makers of 'Belgium's Stolen Children' reconstruct a hidden and very painful history. Sixty years after the independence of Rwanda and Burundi, hundreds of children born to a white father and a black mother have been sent to orphanages by the Belgian government. With a new identity, these children were forcibly given up for adoption in Belgium.



The modest way of telling and the beautiful camerawork makes you feel the devastating cruelty of the past as a viewer. It was not so long ago that the children of that time were given access to their file. This series shows the injustice that has been done to her.